Today was a special day indeed. A day for the family to gather together at the Farm to celebrate two fabulous birthdays, Lily’s 6th birthday and Elijah’s 3rd birthday. And what a great day it was full of funilicious (could this be a new word for Websters?) food and endless outdoor activities. Sitting on the party ready porch, we enjoyed a decidedly kid friendly menu of of grilled hot dogs, chips and dip, baked beans, Greek pasta salad and a strawberry fluff salad which satisfied the kid in us all. And to quench our thirst? Ice cold bottles of Coca-Colas were on hand to cool us off as we soaked up the early summer rays.
Once again Jill outdid herself by creating the cutest fishing themed cupcakes for the big day. Swirling, twirling blue frosting was used as the water, pretzel sticks stood in for fishing rods, squiggly, zig zagging white frosting became fishing line while fish shaped snack crackers splashed into the blue with tiny, pearlized water bubbles bobbing on the surface.
After our sugar induced coma subsided, it was time to open presents. Elijah received his very own Scwhinn Walkabout bike in a smart red, to practice his balancing skills in preparation for a bike without training wheels while Lily received a Pottery Projects kit as well as a Mini-Loom kit. (On a side note, I loved my loom kit when I was a tike. I made so many pot holders.) They also received a couple of books, a Baby Lit “Dracula” board book for Elijah and a “Little Owl’s Night” board book for Lily as well as both receiving tweeting bird lights in blue and yellow to attach to their bikes, kites, cans of silly string and their very own fishing poles and tackle boxes.
Elijah couldn’t wait to ride his Walkabout, so while Josh prepped the fishing rods for the kids, Roy and Elijah went to the parking pad so he could practice riding. He loved it and was soon coasting down the driveway without assistance.
Next it was to the front yard to hit a few golf balls. The grass, having been nicely shorn, made a perfect fairway to practice our swings. All the kids did great including all the big kids.
For our next foray, we headed to the pond for a little afternoon fishing. Piling into the back of the pick-up truck, we meandered down to the pond, parked, sprayed on copious amounts of sunscreen and cast our lines. Did I mention it was hot? Apparently the fish concurred because they were not biting. The only thing that was “biting” was a huge snapping turtle, positively prehistoric in its bearing. Also stirring the water were cows taking a leisurely, cooling dip and frogs, hip hopping into the greenish stagnant abyss.
Back at the house, Dad and Roy hooked up the zip line. Positioning the truck under one of the maple trees made the perfect launch pad for the kidlets. Boy, did they have a blast! They leapt fearlessly, squealed loudly and giggled uncontrollably.
As the last bit of complete birthday frivolity, Levi, Lily and Elijah took aim and furiously covered each other in silly string.