Drama Camp

A star is born.

This week Lily attended the Act Too Players mini-drama camp. A camp that provides theater experience to all children at any skill level and gives them the opportunity to nurture and explore their self-awareness, confidence and imagination through music and dance.

Today, they debuted their performance on the stage of the historic Franklin Theater. They sang and danced to a mash up of songs from several Disney animated musicals, including Tangled, Enchanted and Frozen. They were amazing. I couldn’t believe the amount of choreography, dialogue and songs they had memorized in just four short days.

Sitting in the audience waiting for the performance to begin.
After the performance, Lily gets hugs from Leah. Goofing for the camera with her friends. LaJuana checks out Lily’s cool summer theatre t-shirt.
Lily under the marquee. Flowers from mommy and daddy.