Friday afternoon, Dad and Janice drove to Franklin, picked up Lily from the BGA lower school, Elijah from the Goddard School then back to the Farm to pick up Levi for a special birthday weekend. First they headed to Wal-Mart so the kiddos could pick out their birthday presents. What fun!! Lily picked out a stuffed kitty cat that had a tiny pouch to hold her kittens while Elijah picked out some cool trucks. Next it was onto the bowling alley where they bowled a few frames and then back to the Farm where they were treated to pizza for dinner and then later popcorn and candy with a movie. What a glorious day.
So this afternoon, Terry and I drove to the Farm for an impromptu visit where we participated in some of the birthday revelry.
Dad had prepared a marvelous burn pile for a bonfire which he lit at dusk. While we waited for the fire to burn to a low, slow flame, we sat on the back porch of the cabin and enjoyed cool, refreshing drinks and savored the last light of the day. We decided that while we were just hanging out, it would be a great time to give Janice her birthday present, a set of 12 First Love butter knives to add to her collection.
By 8pm, we were starving and the fire had finally burned down enough to be able to sit by the pit and roast our hot dogs. Dad had constructed homemade extensions for the roasting sticks which worked out great. The hot dogs were so good that I had two. All the fresh air must have ratcheted up my appetite.
To officially celebrate the kiddos birthday with the prerequisite confectionary component, Jill made decadent gluten-free chocolate cupcakes with a mind blowing fudgey frosting which she adorned with numbered candles, 4, 6, and 7 for the kids to blow out. They were so delicious.
As the evening faded and the stars started to emerge and we we’re relaxing by the fire, Elijah pointed to the brightest star in the evening sky and said, “that’s my home”. Initially we were all struck dumb and then laughed hysterically and said that that explained so much.
We ended the night, smoky, full and content…a perfect end to a perfect day.